November 11, 2024

"The Scaling School gave me a helicopter view of the roadmap ahead and forced me to look into the steps ahead"
1. What challenges were you facing before joining The Scaling School, and how did the program help you overcome them?
After making the transition from medical doctor into entrepreneurship, most, if not all aspects, were new to me. I remember an introduction in the Scaling School from our teacher who explained she had been working C level for many years. I raised my hand to ask in what way as I was interested to understand how a background in maritime took her to where she is today. It was then and there I was taught C level, not Sea level was a term used for leading roles in companies. It goes to show how far I have come today, but also at what level I came in. Certainly not C level even if my LinkedIn profile said CEO. The Scaling School gave me a helicopter view of the roadmap ahead and forced me to look into the steps ahead. It helped me to think in a new and creative way to be able to visualize all the possible future outcomes of my company. It helped me to not procrastinate but to take those extra hours to actually think and concretize the path ahead.
2. What specific aspects of the program had the biggest impact on the way forward with your business?
Probably the part where we listed all potential customers and how we could group them into different categories. This way we could categorize our potential customers which helped us to structure our future sales as we could narrow down the potential costumer by a lot. A part from this for me who was completely new it was good to just have an overview of the entire start up phase.
3. What was your favorite part of the program, and why? (if not the same as Q2 that is)
Probably working in the Miro board as I am a visual learner. By taking the time and having a structure to work from I could create great overviews of the future challenges.
4. How did The Scaling School help you grow or scale your business? Can you share any tangible results or improvements?
Most likely it was the work done mentioned in #2. When we targeted customers it turned out my hypothesis was wrong. I could then switch my potential client list and focus on another customer type which later became our first customer. By splitting our customers into categories, private, non private etc I was able to help my sales process later in the journey.
5. Would you recommend The Scaling School to other entrepreneurs or businesses (and why)?
I would recommend the Scaling school to all early stage entrepreneurs. Even late stage or for those who has an entrepreneur journey behind - as every company is different and this is a good way to explore all the aspects of starting and scaling the company.