November 8, 2024

"We listed all potential customers and grouped them into different categories. This way we could categorize our potential customers which helped us to structure our future sales."
What challenges were you facing before joining The Scaling School, and how did the program help you overcome them?
Something I talk about extensively in my role at the bank is priorities and planning. As an entrepreneur, I encountered all sorts of aspects related to services, products, and more that we could offer. I tried to focus on everything, but the work ended up being mediocre. After attending TSS, I learned to plan when to tackle each challenge and prioritize what’s most important.
What specific aspects of the program had the biggest impact on the way forward with your business?
It’s been a while now, so I’m not entirely sure, but I’d say it was when we created an overarching view of the company and placed it in context. For example, regarding ""customers,"" we clarified all the target groups, including age, gender, ethnicity, etc. After that, we assessed which groups to focus on first, second, third, and so on.
What was your favorite part of the program, and why?
I’d say the same as previous question, as that provided the most value for us at the stage we were in.
How did The Scaling School help you grow or scale your business? Can you share any tangible results or improvements?
Returning to the point regarding priorities and planning: I’ve managed to prioritize each step in my company correctly to be both time- and cost-efficient. This has created the best opportunities for us to establish ourselves in the market in the shortest possible time.
Would you recommend The Scaling School to other entrepreneurs or businesses (and why)?
For companies in an early stage, I would highly recommend your services, especially for those who might only have an idea. This is because they can validate their idea at an early stage without relying on a POV or customer validation. Therefore, I believe that early-stage companies, those with just ideas, or those transitioning from a junior enterprise (UF) to a limited company (AB) or another corporate form would benefit the most from your services.